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Why do I have to pay for ChrisTrains products? Why are they not free?

First and foremost, I run ChrisTrains as a commercial business that makes add-ons for commercially available games.

There are many costs involved in creating quality add-ons, including equipment costs, power bills, licensing costs (many of the logos and colors involve licenses being paid to the trademark holders such as Deutsche Bahn), and of course labor costs. Each project can take 4 to 6 months to complete and my time is not free. On top of that there are continued support costs - running the help desk, purchasing software licenses etc.

I try to achieve the best cost-to-quality ratio of any add-ons available, and try to maintain a quick turnaround on any support calls. I take pride in my business and my products and I hope that if you purchase one or more of them, you'll enjoy using them and enjoy the lifetime free updates and support.

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Date added:
2016-10-01 09:54:28
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