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When will the current project be ready?

Individual questions about when a project will be finished will not be answered, other than providing you a link to this article.

From start to finish, a project can take 3 or 4 months - sometimes longer. The more things that get added (for example variations and paint schemes), the longer a project will take.

The outside of the train is normally only 30% to 40% of the project. There is also all the scripting for customised controls, train safety systems and working around bugs in the game. I have to build audio files. I have to create working cabs. I have to create passenger views. Then I need to test, test and test again. Once I'm happy with what I think is the final version, then it goes to my beta testers. That can take a couple of weeks or more. Once the product is really ready, a countdown timer and product page will appear.

So please don't keep asking me when a project will be finished. It will be ready when it's ready. You can get some idea by watching the percentage meter on the project page. 

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2016-10-01 09:53:00
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